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Code of Conduct

This document contains the expected behaviours and obligations that members of Farset Labs are associated with, in addition to a list of banned behaviour and materials. This document references itself as “the Code”, and the “Code of Conduct”. The primary location of Farset Labs is referred to as “the space”, “Farset Labs”, and “Farset Labs property”.

Who the Code applies to

This Code applies to all members of Farset Labs, all members of associated boards and associations, visitors introduced by members and the general public where applicable.


The Code applies to the persons described above when on Farset Labs property, including when using the property for externally-sponsored events. It also applies in temporary locations managed by Farset Labs, such as outdoor events, for the duration of the event.

In addition, the Code may be supplemented by additional requirements by the property landlord. When in the main Farset Labs property, this includes the requirements of Weavers’ Court.

Changes to the Code

Whenever changes to the Code of Conduct are made, they will be publicised through official means, including email and notice boards within Farset Labs. Such changes will be subject to general consensus on member approval, and will be discussed with the Board of Directors prior to implementation.

Succession of Common Sense

Farset Labs is not to be a pasture for red tape, and so this document should always be second to common sense and reason. The space needs to foster a lively atmosphere, so the freedom for members to largely do as they please should be highly prioritised.

Requirements of Members and Visitors

When the Code is applicable, all members and visitors must:

  1. Keep their behaviour lawful;
  2. Employ common sense and restraint when working with machinery and electrical/power tools; If members have not used a piece of machinery before, they must be briefed on how to properly use it, to avoid personal injury and damage to property. In addition, common sense should be used when involved in projects, and uses of machinery must be safe and reasonable.
  3. Allow members and visitors to proceed with their work without harassment or interference; Members should not interfere or move others’ equipment or projects, unless they have been abandoned or the member has left the space. In addition, when a member asks for peace to work on their project uninterrupted, others should not bother them unless necessary.
  4. Comply to the relevant statutory requirements for health and safety; Members must be aware of the statutory requirements for working with power tools, electrics, electronics and mechanical equipment; these are available on request from Farset Labs. These requirements must be met before commencing work.
  5. Respect others’ work and materials; Members must not steal or take materials or components from other members without permission. In addition, prototypes and projects must not be moved from where they are stored without the owner’s permission.
  6. Treat the space with respect. Members must not vandalise the space or its equipment, and must not deliberately damage the property of Farset Labs, of its members or of visitors.

The following sections outline the detailed requirements and expectations of Farset Labs, its members and its visitors while on Farset Labs property or at events.

Rules for Use of Electrical, Mechanical & Power Tools

When members use tools in the space, they must observe and comply with several rules:

  1. Power tools, electrical equipment and mechanical tools must not be used without prior safety briefing and instruction on usage;
  2. Tools must only be used when it is safe to do so;
  3. Tools brought by members to the space must be safe and compliant to relevant statutory requirements;

Portable electrical equipment brought by members must be PAT tested before use;

  1. Safety systems and fire-prevention systems must not be overpowered or disabled;
  2. Members must be aware of and capable of undertaking instructions for using specific machines.

Members must also be aware that they are liable for the work they undertake, and are responsible for their own creations.

Storing Projects and Equipment on Farset Labs Property

Members are welcome to store their projects and equipment on Farset Labs property within reason. Anything that is safe to store may be stored in plastic boxes, labelled with the owner’s name.

A reasonable amount of storage space is allowed per member, but materials and equipment must be removed from the space on request.

Dangerous chemicals, materials and equipment are not allowed to be stored with other safe items. These must be stored privately off-site, unless adequate secure storage facilities are available. Members should inquire before bringing dangerous chemicals, materials or equipment into Farset Labs.

Members must be aware that they are responsible for the storage and handling of their materials, and may be liable for injuries caused to others due to dangerous storage.

Expensive, irreplaceable, sensitive or sentimental items should not be stored at Farset Labs, as their security cannot be guaranteed. Secure storage may be available for some smaller items required for projects; members should inquire about secure storage if they are bringing such equipment to Farset Labs.

Failure to store property correctly may make it liable for abandoned status, giving other members free access to use it after a period of time. See Abandoned Property policy.


In order to keep Farset Labs in good state and to make it an enjoyable and productive place to be, members are expected to contribute to the overall upkeep of the space and are expected to clean up after themselves.

  • Members must tidy workbenches away after use, cleaning them down and returning any used equipment.
  • Consumables must be returned to their storage areas after use.
  • Communal kitchen, toilet and lounge areas should be kept clean and tidy.
  • Spoiled food and waste should be disposed of accordingly.
  • Wiring and cables must not be left trailing across the ground inside or outside Farset Labs.
  • Electrical equipment should be powered down and unplugged after use.
  • Power tools and electrical equipment should be returned to their original state after use, returning any bits, guards, settings and consumables to their correct positions or places.
  • Members should not leave their personal belongings lying around; they should be properly stored.
  • After messy work (stripping wires, sanding, etc), workbenches and floors should be vacuumed.

Cleaning equipment is available from the main store for general housekeeping. Members will be rewarded for helping keep the space tidy and presentable.

Access & Security

Members should be aware that Farset Labs is a secure building and exercises access control to protect its members and its equipment. As such, members must not:

  • Give keys or access cards to non-members or trade them between members;
  • Give visitors access to areas they normally would not be allowed entry to;
  • Allow unknown members of the public to roam the buildings or be unaccompanied in the building;
  • Attempt to disable or circumvent security or access control systems.

Members should be aware that a building-wide CCTV system is in use, and will document any entry or exit to the building.

Financial Obligations

Members are required to pay for membership on an ongoing basis to be permitted access to Farset Labs and to avail of the resources given. For service to be guaranteed, and for projects to be protected and assisted, members must:

  • Keep up-to-date with membership payments;
  • Pay for consumables or additional fees in reasonable time;
  • Be sparing of materials and not be wasteful or abusive of resources;
  • Warn Farset Labs of any expected cashflow problems which would hinder payment.

Flexibility for payments will be upheld as much as is possible, but members who routinely fail to make payments or are consistently wasteful or abusive of resources may be asked to leave, or resources may be withdrawn.


Members are expected to be civil and tolerant of others, including others’ fields of study and specific projects. Members must not be abusive, threatening, harassing or violent towards others, and will be subject to removal of membership if they repeatedly are.

Basic manners should be upheld to make the space a pleasant, productive place to be in with a good atmosphere and high spirits.

Weavers Court & Car Parking

Being part of the Weavers Court business park, members of Farset Labs are expected to behave in a manner which does not cause annoyance, nuisance or inconvenience to the other tenants of the area.

Farset Labs has one designated parking space which is reserved for deliveries and official vehicles. There are hundreds of spaces in Weavers Court, so all members should have ample room, especially outside normal business hours. Members are asked not to park outside bays, in areas blocking access, along the roads in Weavers Court or around the security booth.

Inconvenient parking or parking where it is disallowed by Weavers Court may result in action being brought against you, including clamping where signs state.